Directions to Galena Illinois
and Hawk Valley Retreat & Cottages
Hawk Valley Retreat and Cottages is just “Two Turns from Galena”. Use these directions to find your way to us. If you have any questions, please reach out and contact us using one of the means listed below. For reservations, visit our online reservation calendar. If you haven’t already, also view our lodging options.
2752 W Cording Road
Galena, IL 61036
United States
Phone (815) 777-4100
Text (8115) 770-6710
Please be aware that while most GPS will get you here, they will often take you through many of the winding back roads. See below for the easiest, most direct instructions. Feel free to call us for additional help.
From the West (Galena)
From Main Street, turn right (east) onto Meeker Street. Meeker will change names to Stagecoach Trail. Follow Stagecoach Trail for about 8 miles to Cording Road where you turn right (south). Note the turn onto Cording Road is a sharp curve, and there is not a streetlight at night. Follow Cording Road about 2 miles until you see our sign on the left side of the road. Follow the gravel driveway to the main house for check-in, or to the barn for event parking.
From the East (Chicago)
Approaching from the east on Hwy. 20 just past the town of Elizabeth turn right (north) onto Elizabeth Scales Mound Road. Drive approximately 9.5 miles to Cording Road and turn left. Go west on Cording Road for 1 mile to Hawk Valley Retreat which is on the right side. Please note: The house numbers are out of sequence; look for our sign at the end of our driveway which is located at the bottom of the valley.
If you are coming from the east on Hwy. 20 and are using a GPS, MapQuest, or other map assistance program, please do not get off Hwy. 20 until the town of Elizabeth OR program the town of Elizabeth as a stop/through point. Your GPS and MapQuest is correct but will route you through many country back roads which are not well marked, making your trip longer in drive time and especially difficult to follow at night. Follow the gravel driveway to the main house for check-in, or to the barn for event parking.